Today is September 11th,….the day we remember and honor all those who died when our country was struck by terrorists. Everybody has a story about where they were that day. I remember mine as well. Besides the actual details; I remember the feeling of fear….for the first time ever, I wondered if we would be attacked. I remember looking upwards to the sky; keeping a close watch for planes coming overhead that might be sent to hurt us. And even though we did not live in a big city….I still didn’t feel safe.
I grew up in the 60’s, so I remember the Cuban Missile threat under President Kennedy. But I don’t remember feeling afraid even though at that time I lived in Miami. I was a youngster then so my family was my world and I trusted that my dad would keep us safe. Later on he built us a bomb shelter in our basement. In hindsight I’m not sure that would have protected us…but it served well as a great place to make-out….shsh…don’t tell anyone…:)
The world, our world has changed since 9/11. I experience it when I travel…the airport’s security is so different now versus before 9/11. We used to go to the airport just to spend the day, enjoying the sights and sounds and the trams. Not anymore. And even going to events like a football game; my purse is checked to see if I carry something that could hurt others. Things we didn’t even consider then, now are the standard.
There is a lot of hate and unrest in our world….and a lot of it directed towards Americans. Whatever….I know where we come from. And I know what we are made of. United we stand, divided we fall. And just like in the movies when it appears that all has been lost and there’s no hope for survival… that last minute, with only moments to spare ….the human spirit stands tall, takes the call and conquers all!
God Bless America……… and God Bless our world……………Peace, love, and freedom for all!
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