This Friday is the Gallery East’s art reception. They hold it every month on the second Friday of the month.
This month, I am one of the featured artists…… I have been busy getting my latest paintings ready. I love color inspired by beach. And with my recent weekend trips to south Florida; one weekend to the east coast and the next to the gulf coast- I’ve had lots of opportunities to soak in that ‘beachy’, artsy, bright, and sun inspired color.
And I’m infused with the colors too. Besides the canvas a lot of the paint ends up on me, the furniture, dishes, dog, cats, and possibly my guys if they happen to be in the vicinity of …say the house….
I’m having fun; especially when I turn a deaf ear to those inner critics (my inner perfectionist) that like to stick their nose in and have their say….Sometimes they whisper things like…”seriously are you going to leave that like THAT?” or.. “you call that art?” or …”I’m pretty sure that’s NOT how that’s supposed to look”….. or …..
I’m thinking about naming each of them and giving them jobs …like cleaning my house. That would be a great job since my poor house has kind of taken a back seat to paint, brushes, canvases, and time spent creating. They could also cook for me too since I do prepare meals- its just sometimes it’s pretty late, like three for lunch and 10 for dinner.
Here’s the thing… when I allow my self to create imperfectly or here’s a scary word but I’m going to say it anyway… paint, write, or whatever “badly” – I have so much more fun…breaking the rules, doing what just comes naturally to me or not…and falling in love with the end product (or trashing it :).
So its a given that I’m not a Picasso or Hemingway….or the female versions…but you know what…its still fun discovering the person inside of me that wants to play…enjoying what I do, challenging myself to grow and do my craft better. I do perfecwt imperfectly well…….
I hope to see you on Friday. Come, surprise me. I will also have my books, Sunny’s Story and It’s All About Attitude there for book signing.
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