Alone, I sat at the end of the dock with my wine, and my feet dangling over the water … pouting. I looked out over the lake that looked back at me in the moonless night. I’m not sure, but I think it was making a face at me. Gray clouds covered the stars, with a couple peeping through. I heard a plane fly overhead. The lake gently lapped the dock posts underneath as the waves rolled onto shore. The night was cool but not cold, not unusual, even for this time of year. Lights like sprinkles on cupcakes lined the opposite shoreline. Voices from the gathering floated out to me, on a cool breeze, followed by laughter. “Huh,” I said. I was in no mood for a good time
Seriously, it couldn’t be. Nah. But the goosebumps on my arms and my heart beating quickly said differently. I looked up.