December 2023, right around Christmas time, my newest book baby arrived. Gabriella’s Story now joins my previous novels. Be sure to check it out, along with my other ‘book kids.’ They’re fun, serious, adventurous, and always about love and loving life, as I do. You can purchase my novels through my publisher – Balboa Press, online with Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and most book sellers. Send me a text, 352-427-7571 or an email for more information on how to get your autographed copy from me.
I love to hear from you, so send me a message and let me know what you think about my stories.
Here’s to Happy Reading!
Hugs with love,
How exciting is this … for me pretty exciting. I’ve always dreamed of being a writer and of writing a book someday and now to have seven novels and one inspirational nonfiction book to my name is pretty cool. And what makes it even better is knowing that I have fans who love my work. Thank you for supporting me and my dreams.
I’ve started a new book, Gabriella’s Story. This one is going to be a little different than the ones I previously created. This story begins in 1969 and goes through to current day, going back and forth between decades to tell the story. And of course, it’s a love story. In each of my stories, there’s truth mixed in with fiction and my imagination. And this one will be no different, with the exception of maybe more truth in parts thrown in, in what was a really difficult time in my life. Rather than just write my story, it’s more fun and challenging to write and create a new narrative, bringing to life a new tale, which I hope my readers will love. The main character in this story is Gabriella, and I hope that you fall in love with her, like I am.
Stay tuned on updates… And meanwhile, there’s Sunny, Rain, Charity Noelle, Catherine, and Mikaela to entertain and inspire you with their adventures and love stories.
Until my next post…
my love,
Mikaela’s Story 2
Kathy Almeida
As you may or may not know, I recently came out with my latest novel, Mikaela’s Story 2 … the sequel to Mikaela’s Story. For those of you who bought, read and enjoyed the first one, I think you’ll find this one good too. Let me know what you think. And if you have any thoughts on any of my books, I would love to hear them.
I hope that the coming year finds you creating the kind of year you can fall in love with, riding the storms that may come with ease and enjoying the ride called life. I wish you the best with all the love in the world. And remember, happy reading!
Have fun!
This year, I did things a little differently. I published two books! Catherine’s Story came out in the spring and Mikaela’s in the fall. Next year, who knows, maybe I will do two more. If you haven’t read any of my books yet, Christmas time is a great time to start! Buy one, two, or the whole set of six for yourself or as a gift for someone else on your list who loves to read. . Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas!
There is clearly a divide in our country today between the left and the right. It has touched us in every facet of our lives…our families, friends, work, the places we go, the shows we watch and the music we listen to. And now for me, the books I read. Recently a friend of mine said that she held her breath reading my latest novel, hoping she would not come across politics, knowing how I stand and feel strongly for what and who I believe in. I laughed but I understand what she was thinking/feeling.
I watch a movie or a show that I used to love and then bam! The beliefs and politics of the other side slip in and I can’t watch anymore. The last two books I’ve read were both written by liberal authors, women who stand on the left. I’m okay with that. Many writers, authors, friends and family that I love are liberal. So I like to think I’m okay with it, but when the author puts down what I hold dear, like our American Flag or the lead female character can’t get involved with anyone who supports the flag or God forbid is a conservative…then that feels personal, like a personal attack against me. So I cross her books off my list.
I’m not sure what the answer is, if the question is how will we unite in our differences. It used to be don’t talk about politics or religion so that everyone can get along, but today it’s hard to separate and keep the talk out of us, since it is us.
Recently I have had two people, one family, one friend, send me things to read from the ‘other’ side. I listened and read both, because I want to remain open. The one, we were able to find a place of agreement and that felt good. The other felt the need to put down and convince me of their rightness. That did not feel good.
I know I can’t watch the news of what’s happening today without wanting to throw something at the tv or yell or scream…so basically if I want to feel good, I need to turn off the tv, but at the same time I want to stay informed on what’s happening in our world.
When I write my stories, my intention is for them to be feel good and for many to enjoy them. But I realize that just by being who I am, even without directly ‘talking politics’ my beliefs will shine through and that will turn some off. But what I hope to do is to put my work out in a non-threatening way. That way, even if we stand on different sides of the fence, maybe just maybe you won’t want to throw my book against the wall. 🙂
Really, it never gets old to see my book in the bookstore. Kind of makes it all real, you know. My book right on the shelf next to other authors’ books whose last name begins with an A. Seeing it there… the photo, the title and my name. How cool is that? It’s almost as exciting as the day when I receive the first copy of my novel in the mail. All that time spent writing, editing, creating and then to hold it in my hands…well there are no
words that can satisfactorily describe the joy I feel in that moment, other than yay! and wow! and a huge smile on my face and in my heart.
My latest novel is out and now for an unlimited time only, you can get my book for this amazing price. Check it out. And while you are doing so, be sure to check out my other novels as well.
By the way today is my grandmother’s birthday. If she were alive, she would be 116 years old. She was a great storyteller. As kids, my brother, sister and I used to love to listen to her talk about the adventures of her life. She kept saying that one day she would write a book and tell all of her secrets. Well that book never got written, but I’m sure that I have inherited my love of telling stories from her. I write my stories, sharing secrets that are real and those that live in only my imagination, but I’ll never tell which ones are true and which ones are not. 🙂
Until the next time…I hope that you enjoy reading my latest novel, Catherine’s Story. You can also sign up with your email to get my latest blog and or any events that may be coming out in the near future. Looking forward to hearing from you! Kathy