As mother nature is spreading her last hurrah before the quiet white of winter…this past week we’ve been doing the ‘Autumn cleanup’.
We want our house to look good for Thanksgiving…my friend recently shared a picture on FB of a vase that had been broken that she repaired with glue. She says although its not perfect; it now has character. Just like our house has….lots and lots of character.
We are not easy on our home, especially our son Mark…sorry Mark…:) his artistic endeavors are kind of everywhere….and then there’s our Sonny (dog) and Sundae (cat) who recently haven’t felt good, sharing the contents of their stomachs and bowels everywhere. So the carpet screamed for a cleaning. (Hopefully next year we will be carpet free) 🙂
Mark had his yearly scheduled appointment with the neurologist on Thursday afternoon. Frank set up the carpet to be cleaned while we were gone. We were prepared to take a long ride afterwards until the cleaning was done…knowing that all the confusion could be hard for Mark to handle. As it was- taking out all the furniture beforehand had my dog and cat(s) in crazy mode not knowing where to hide especially when the men came in with all of their big hoses and equipment. But as luck would hold, by the time we got done with the visit to the doctors; the carpet cleaners had finished….amazingly that they were able to do in two hours which normally takes me all day….I was impressed.
We came home to put the house back together…cleaning along the way. My older son Michael was in charge of the vacuuming, scrubbing the floor boards, fans, and lifting and moving the heavy furniture with some help from me….and I took charge of the polishing and cleaning the furniture and washing all of the floor rugs and hanging them out to dry. What took the carpet cleaners two hours took us several days.
Meanwhile Sonny still moves with his head cocked to one side (inner ear troubles) and runs into walls and falls to his side when he looses his balance….our cat has a new home in the garage with a heating lamp, bed, food, treats and visits from us to keep her company.
Mark has started a new medication for the control of his seizures. We are changing meds because the side effects from the Dilantin are messing up his gums and teeth. While he’s in transition he will be taking both drugs…the side effects of the new one can be dizziness and tiredness.
So while I’m baking pies and bread in preparation of the upcoming holiday, I will also be keeping a close eye on him and Sonny to make sure they’re not running into anything and hurting themselves in the process.
This Thanksgiving will be the first one we’ve been able to have here with our family since Mark’s set back seven years ago. And it will also be the first Thanksgiving we will have without Dad.
I feel the emotions running high and when I least expect it; I feel myself welling up for knowingly no reason at all….
I am grateful that my son is doing so much better that we can have our family here again. And I am so grateful for all the years past that I was able to celebrate this day with my dad. One of my happiest Thanksgivings ever was the year we held it at our barn. I don’t think I ever remember my father being so happy at a holiday as he was that Thanksgiving. The day was cold but our spirits were so warm.
So…. I’m wishing for all of you…especially those of you who have lost someone close to you this year….a day of celebration…for life, our country, each other, and for the ones that once sat our table and are no longer physically here but in our hearts …forever.
Happy Thanksgiving……………with love and light from me to you………