Today a life time friend of mine, lost her mother. This past Sunday, my husband lost a friend; the third one in a short period of time. And over the course of the last ten days or so, a family member was in extreme crisis; affecting each of us.
As I looked out my front door this morning the view in front of me was beautiful. The colors of the grass, the sky, the trees, the clouds- so clear and so alive in spring time renewal of life- touching me to the depths of my soul.
I felt the need to just sit, process all the emotions, feelings, thoughts inside of me. Being still and listening to the quiet within me, finding my way back to that place of peace and a sense that all is well, even in the midst of the pain, hurt, and loss.
And even though the losses aren’t mine personally, I hurt for those that it is. There is so much beauty in our world, in each other, even in our pain- reminding us of our humanness, the fragility and strength of life.
Sometimes it is most vivid during these times of loss that love and life shine the brightest reminding us what matters most.